Unlocking the Language of Property Tax Management: A Glossary Every Property Manager Needs

Navigating the complexities of property tax management requires a solid understanding of the specialized terminology used in the field. Whether you are new to managing property taxes or an experienced professional, mastering these key terms is crucial. This glossary is designed to help you efficiently manage your responsibilities using advanced property tax software solutions.

Assessment Ratio

The assessment ratio is the percentage of a property’s market value that is subject to taxation. It determines the taxable value of a property, which is then multiplied by the tax rate to calculate the property tax owed. Effective property tax management relies on accurately applying assessment ratios to ensure compliance and proper tax calculations. Property Tax Plus helps streamline this process, ensuring all calculations are precise and compliant with local regulations.

Assessed Value

The assessed value is the value assigned to a property by a tax assessor, used to calculate property taxes. This value is often a fraction of the property’s market value. With Property Tax Plus, you can efficiently track and manage assessed values across multiple properties, ensuring that your property taxes are calculated accurately.

Assessment Roll

An assessment roll is an official document listing all properties within a specific jurisdiction along with their assessed values. This roll forms the basis for calculating and levying property taxes. 

Property Tax Plus offers advanced property tax software solutions that include features for managing and accessing assessment rolls efficiently.

Capital Improvements

Capital improvements refer to significant upgrades or additions to a property that enhance its value, prolong its useful life, or adapt it to new uses. These improvements can increase the property’s assessed value, impacting your property tax management strategy. 


Depreciation refers to the reduction in a property’s value over time due to wear and tear, aging, or obsolescence. This decrease in value can affect the assessed value and, consequently, the amount of property tax owed. 

Equalization Rate

The equalization rate ensures that property assessments are fair and consistent across different municipalities. It represents the ratio of assessed value to market value, helping to standardize property tax calculations. Property Tax Plus includes tools for managing equalization rates, ensuring that your property taxes are calculated fairly and equitably.


An exemption reduces or eliminates the tax liability of certain properties based on specific criteria. Common exemptions include homestead exemptions, senior citizen exemptions, and exemptions for charitable organizations. Property Tax Plus allows you to track and apply these exemptions efficiently, maximizing tax savings.


A levy refers to the process by which a government authority imposes a tax on property owners to raise revenue for public services. The levy is crucial in determining the property tax rate. Some property tax software solutions simplify levy management, ensuring that your property tax obligations are met accurately.

Market Value

Market value is the estimated price at which a property would sell in a competitive market. It is determined using appraisal methods such as comparative market analysis or income approaches. Market value is a critical factor in property tax management as it is used to calculate the assessed value and, ultimately, the property tax owed. Property Tax Plus ensures that your market value assessments are accurate and up-to-date.

Mill Rate

The mill rate is the amount of tax payable per dollar of the assessed value of a property. This rate is essential for calculating the total property tax owed. Property Tax Plus includes tools to manage and apply mill rates effectively, ensuring that your property tax calculations are precise and compliant with local regulations.

Understanding these terms is essential for effective property tax management. With Property Tax Plus and its advanced property tax software solutions, you can streamline your processes, enhance accuracy, and maintain compliance with all relevant tax regulations, making your property management responsibilities more manageable and less stressful.


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